10 Tips For Surviving Your First Sex Party

Sex parties, once a hush-hush underground scene, has been thrust into the semi-mainstream. There is also a greater acceptance of sexual kinks in today’s society, and that is a great thing. They can also feel a bit intimidating, though. Fear not, we’ve collected 10 tips that will make it easy for you to survive and thrive at your first sex party.

Talk to People

Talk to People

Sex party experts all agree that first timers and even seasoned participants can find the atmosphere a bit awkward. Sexually charged situations can feel very intimidating, but everyone is there for the same reason. Don’t be shy and feel free to talk to people. You can chat them up like you would talk to anyone in any other social situation, or you can move in for the kill a little quicker.

Clean Up After Yourself

Sex party hosts are often volunteers. They enjoy the scene and bringing people together, but that doesn’t mean they want to clean up used condoms and wipe down equipment all night. They would much prefer to be getting laid, too. Clean up after yourself and be respectful of the space you are using.